Septic Tank Emptying
You can have peace of mind knowing your waste has been disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner by a licensed waste disposal company.
Don’t forget to check the FAQ’s at the bottom on this page!
Call us on: 01759 380646
Tank Emptying Services
Please choose Domestic or Commercial
Frequently Asked Questions
How often should a Septic Tank be emptied?
Emptying your Septic Tank or Treatment Plant is like giving your car a service, Poor maintenance leads to poor performance and ultimately costly breakdowns and repairs. If your Septic Tank or Sewage Treatment Plant is appropriately sized then every 12 months would be a normal. Undersized sized Tanks require emptying more frequently and it’s usually advisable to upgrade to an appropriately sized system to minimise emptying services.
How do I tell the size of my Septic Tank?
The only way to know is from previous emptying services or on newer systems the make / model and PE size. If your still unsure about the size of your Septic Tank or Sewage Treatment Plant don’t worry just give us call to make the booking, we base all our prices on the amounts collected in litres rather than what we expect to collect. We also have an enourmous database of Septic Tanks and Treatment Plants so for new home owners there is a good chance we have emptied your Tank before and can provide you with additional information regarding your system.
Is my system compliant with the latest binding rules?
This question gets asked all the time, the problem is without a Compliance Survey being carried out we really can’t say for certain. The new rules are all to do with ensuring that your Drainage Network is not polluting the environment, many people and companies are getting these new rules confused with building control! there is a lot of incorrect information out there regarding old Septic Tanks and the belief that they all need upgrading to a Waste Treatment Plant, This is not the case. The rules for a private Domestic Sewage Networks is where we specialise. If you think your system is in breach of “the Binding Rules” or if your moving home click onto our Compliance Survey page or Home Movers Page to learn more.