Yorkshire Septics Ltd

Septic tank installation: Understanding cost and budgeting for your project

If you live in a rural area that is not connected to the main sewage system, the chances are you will need to have a septic tank to deal with all the wastewater from your baths, loos, washing machines etc. But before you take the first step towards septic tank installation you need to get to grips with the cost and budgeting implications.

The role of cost factors in septic tank installation

Septic tank installation cost will vary according to whether you need to install an above or below ground tank. The latter is the more expensive option but given the choice it’s likely that most people would probably prefer their sewage system to be hidden away and would be prepared to pay more.

Evaluating your project’s requirements

Of course an above ground septic tank may be your only option, especially if your land isn’t suitable for an underground type. Possible reasons for this are:

  • It would be illegal to install an underground tank
  • You want to protect the surrounding water table from possible contamination

Affordability might also be a consideration.

Septic tank installation cost also depends upon the size of the tank. It is vital that the dimensions of your tank will be suitable for the size of your household.

Creating a realistic budget for your septic tank installation

With those factors in mind, average cost to install septic tank can vary from £10,000 to around £30,000.

Understanding the value of professional services

Septic tank installation cost UK also depends upon how much you will be charged by the professional who does the job for you.

Exploring cost-saving measures and financing options

Cost of installing septic tank UK can therefore be expensive but there are aspects that you can save money on. For example, if you are having a septic tank installed underground you might want to think about hiring a digger and digging the hole yourself. There is also the possibility of installing the septic tank yourself but even though this will be the most cost-effective option at the time, it may not be if things go wrong. In fact, you could be faced with an even bigger bill to rectify problems that could occur. Also, while you cannot get a grant for a septic tank, you might be able to arrange a finance plan for installation and maintenance with a professional company.

Maintenance and long-term cost considerations

The price of septic tank installation isn’t the only thing you need to consider when budgeting for your project. Septic tank installation is only the start as you need to ensure that the system is regularly maintained. Household tanks need to be pumped every three to five years and those with mechanical components need to be checked out annually.